The Towns of Los Gatos and Monte Sereno have two departments – The Planning and Building Departments. Depending on the scope of your project, you may have to go through both. Wade Construction produces a “set of plans” for both if required. Here’s more information about the two departments:
The Planning Department oversees the additions’ size, height, etc. They also make sure the lot size can accommodate the proposed work. Your project may not have to go through this department. Once preliminary drawings of your project are submitted the town will advise whether or not your project requires Planning Department approval. This is why it is listed as a possible requirement on the design agreement.
Town of Los Gatos Planning Department
Monte Sereno Planning Department
The Building Department will only accept the plans after the Los Gatos or Monte Sereno Planning Departments have reviewed them and made their adjustments to the plans (provided Planning Department approval is required). The set of plans issued to the Building Department are much different. They show everything a builder needs to actually build the project. Things like engineering and Title 24 (energy compliance) are a part of this set of plans. These items are not required for Planning Department review.
Town of Los Gatos Building Department
Monte Sereno Building Department